Monday, August 26, 2013

sound = visual art

Directions: Use 2 colors and apply PATTERN [repeated shape, line, color] representing music around the musicians in your drawing.
pd 3: [orchestra] folk music from different backgrounds (sinister Dance Macabre) pd 2: [band] jazz pieces, Latin, swing, and funk
Synesthesia  is a neurological condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway.
Sound → color synesthesia   According to Richard Cytowic, sound → color synesthesia, or chromesthesia is "something like fireworks": voice, music, and assorted environmental sounds such as clattering dishes or dog barks trigger color and firework shapes that arise, move around, and then fade when the sound ends. 
Sound often changes the perceived hue, brightness, and directional movement. Some individuals see music on a "screen" in front of their faces. Deni Simon, for whom music produces waving lines "like oscilloscope configurations – lines moving in color, often metallic with height, width and, most importantly, depth. My favorite music has lines that extend horizontally beyond the 'screen' area."
Individuals rarely agree on what color a given sound is; however, synesthetes show the same trends as non-synesthetes do. For example, both groups say that loud tones are brighter than soft tones, and that lower tones are darker than higher tones.

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